Saturday, March 17, 2007

March update

Ain't gonna waste too much time on this today. But wanted to put something in as it's nearly spring.

On the house front. I've not heard anything back from estate agents in France yet. Also, I've put an offer back to my Frog Avocat for Deb to give me £5k out of her half .... If accepted then we can divvy the dosh up as soon as the house is sold. Regarding this house, have made a start on cleaning up and doing a few jobs that will need doing if it's to be sold or rented out later this year. Today's task is ... Clean the oven (Aaaargh! No, don't go in there! You'll never come out alive, you fool!). And if there's any energy left (and weather's kind), dig a hole for a rotary washing line.

Work .... There's not gonna be any redundancies at Airbus, so the only other option is to request a sabbatical when the time comes. Correct that to if, if the house doesn't sell. So, it feels like work and money are putting the squeeze on a bit. From a philosophical viewpoint, nothing really changes; as plans are just that .... and stay that. Until time passes and life shows your achievements as just a memory. Whew! Did I write that?

I've now got a few more bits that are needed for camping en-route (that've skinted me somewhat). Tent, sleeping bag. yeah, the Garmin GPS seems to be the biz (need to get world map software though). While on the subject of nav, have also got 3 new LP guides. Iran, Pakistan (and Karakorum highway ... that's on the old Silk road, by the way) and Indonesia. I'm looking forward to a free hour or two sat in a cafe browsing these. After a quick squizz at the LP Iran have a couple of Farsi phrases in my notebook now.

That's about it so ... Khoda Hafez for the mo' ...

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